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Soul Tribe

Welcome Christed Crystalline Children of the Diamond Sun DNA

Awaken your Avatar Consciousness Matrix Blueprint
Unlock Utopia New Earth Systems Within

Utopia New Earth Within: Welcome

WE ARE Starseed Evolution United




Quantum Crystalline Energy Matrix StarBODY DNA Activator & Stargate multi Dimensional Mastery Mentoring Sessions


Welcome to Our Crystalline Stargate multidimensional Mastery School,

Unlock through Light encoded Teachings..... Stargate Multidimensional Quantum Consiousness Development' Techniques.....

  Akasha ra Azurite &  Our Galactic Family  Teaches Multidimensional Mastery Quantum Energetic Alchemy Developments and Merkaba Super Quantum Computer System Reality Programmer training!

 We can Assist, Guide, teach , and  Activate All Within Your Star Code DNA Blueprint.... to.....   restore your Christed Star Avatar Consciousness Original Universal SoUl DNA Crystalline Divine Blueprint.

We Unlock your Cellular Memories on How All works through Stargate Vibrational Teleportation  Navigation  through Multiple Reality Dimensions....

We Guide All Star Family - Humunity - for  rememberance of Higher Vibrational Dimensions.


Ignite the Photonic Light "Star" codes....   awaken your dormant Universal Star Soul DNA, activate / Rewrite /Rewire.....  Cosmic Atomic Deep cellular Structure changes ..... Are You Ready to Begin Your Deep Sacred Star Map Unlocking Journey... Deep Passageways of the Galactic Heart Veil Removal ..... Unlock StarCODE Encoded Cosmic Light to  enter the emotional body to heal and clear trauma.


The sacred Aurora language of Light  StArCODE - UniversalCODE is quantum alchemy expressed through Source light, sound, tone, symbols, and colors. Light Language allows the Transmission of "STAR" codes to assist with multi-dimensional healing on all levels. The codes are transmuted to your Higher Self/OVersoul/ UniversalSOUL to be released at the appropriate time For Integration........


Light Language activates the light bodies, clears karmic distortions, unlocks access to the akashic records, Galactic Gifts, All New Heaven on Earth Realities,  Ancient Data Memories... assists with deep cellular cleansing of old programming, and rewires the body's New Crystalline STArBODY Plasma Matrix energy fields...... MUCH MORe with Akasha.....


Awaken and remember the universal language of your soul/higher-self/source/creator within.

Are you Ready to Bring your New StarPLASMABodies Fully Online... Get Ready to Accelerate to Fully Cosmic Quantum.....

We Develop Our Super Quantum Computer System Fully Constructed Together as a Galactic Family of Light! 

We Assist Guide each other for Navigation on our ascension Journey....


If you are just coming into your Galactic - Starseed Consciousness awakening.... or Gliding through the Cosmos Awakening Journey for Eons..., WE (Akasha Azurite & the Divine Entourage) are here to provide tools to guide, teach and assist all during this  Harmonic Multi Verses SHIFT.

Schedule a Multi Dimensional Mentoring & STarBODY Super Quantum Computer System MErkaba  DNA ACTivator Session with Akasha Ra Azurite........ and by tapping into your Starseed Origins and WE connect with your Soul MAtrices for Deprogramming Old Energy....3D - 4D .....We Install Heaven on Realties .... Teach - Guide Assist to Program your New Galactic Human World...Much Much More.... All Quantum Crystalline energy Upgrade ....

Receive .........

All New PlasmaUNiversal Soul DNA Templates ...... Andaraian Super Quantum Computer Systems templates...... GOD Consciousness... rA Solar DNA Codes, rA SOPhia Codes, Diamond Codes ,Nova Terra Codes, lemurian Starseed Codes, Utopian Solar SunDNA Plasma System Codes , All New Triple Diamond Helix Strands Structures, SoURce Codes, Angelic Hybrid Cosmic Mermaid & Unicorn Starcode , CrystalDragonKEeper Codes.... Much More.... WE ARE ONE Galactic Golden OWl Circle Tribe... We Quantum Shift with you and assist with conscious expansion.


Star Code Aurora Language  Crystalline Quantum energy healing sessions .....  are in the form of Sacred GoD/GOddess  attunements, chakra clearing, soul retrieval, cord cutting, attachment removal, light bodies Upgrades, Heaven realities Upgrades, All multi-dimensional healing/clearing of traumas,... Ego Dissolving (3D Programmer ) Deep Deprogramming , AI Intelligence Dismantling........  activating/restoring your UNiversalSoul StarBODY DNA crystalline blueprint, and galactic-self upgrades.


We also provide personal, hands-on, Andromedan Quantum Energetics with 12 Synergy Crystal & Andaraian Color Tune Tone Healing sessions.

Your Higher Galactic-SELF has activated you NOW, as you are deeply needed during this Universal planetary SHIFT to REMEMBER the wisdom within your Divine Krystic AVATAR Blueprint.

Welcome to a returning of the Krystic  Aurora Angelic  HUMAN.

"Big One in the House", Remember your the Universes ..... Galaxies of God Consciousness Creation

to Shift All Within you remove all Beliefs of this old earth System.

You Are Source , Prime Creator

Galactica Love,


Akasha Azurite & The Divine Entourage Family of Light

Upcoming Events

Join Our Star Soul Tribe

Welcome All Starseed, Indigos, Lightworkers, Rainbows, Crystals, and All Advance Beings in the process of Spiritual Awakening for Ascension during this Great Awakening. Join the groups below to be with your Galactic family for support, practice and live classes.

Facebook Group

Starseed Evolution Group
Join Our Star Tribe

Facebook Group

Avatar Language of Light ✨ & Divine Practice Group 

We Share Activate ANchor LiGHT Together


Contact Our Star Ship

Would you like to get in touch? Reach out, we’d be happy to hear from you. We do not share your personal details with other parties.

Thanks for submitting!

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