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Sacred Egypt Retreat Ascension Journey With Veronica Ruiz! Join This Magical journey Now ✨️


Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Join Our Sacred Krystic Sophia Priestess Veronica Ruiz on a Sacred Cosmic Ascension Spiritual Retreat in Egypt!

Her Sacred Announcements - Veronica Ruiz -

" I’m so excited to announce that I will be heading back to 💎EGYPT💎 this October! I’ve traveled to this magical land numerous times over the past 18 years and have felt the massive recalibration in the energies during this time!

Journey to the Activation Portals of Egypt to activate your remembrance within at the Stargate portal, sacred lands and temples! Join us this October!

Experience the resonance of this sacred land and receive the wisdom codes from its living temples, activating your genetic memory and inherent knowing. This is an opportunity for the embodiment of divine love and remembrance of the sacred keys of divinity within you. Accessing Ancient Egyptian Wisdom through direct experience and transmissions, while working with the Divine frequencies of the Neteru, experiencing the sacred beauty and divine magic of Ancient Egypt. Travelling with a team of gifted facilitators & spiritual guides providing a high end luxury experience.

In times of great awakening we journey to places of heightened spiritual energies because contact with such energy is a catalyst to our own remembering. Here is where the resonance is most felt and energetic signatures directly accessed and received.

Ancient sacred sites were created with divine awareness with an impeccable precision of mathematical and sacred geometrical architecture combined with a specific combination of natural elements over the earth’s most powerful leylines to create harmonic resonance with archetypal energies, natural frequencies, and creative principles of Spirit. Expressed in Nature as a living conscious energy, bridged and interacting through humanity. The Purpose of the Temples is to elevate human Consciousness to the Divine Realms and invite the Divine Power of the Neteru to inhabit the Temples and unify with Humanity.

Our journey will take us through the temples of Egypt to experience consciously these energies and creative principles within oneself, which the Egyptians identified as the Neteru/God/Goddess/ Cosmic Law/Universal Principles.

In this quantum year of Ascension, the Stargate has opened up for us to dive deeper & higher into our inner gnosis & to truly connect to our God selves. Some are being called to travel to certain sacred lands to receive the keys & codes for our remembrance… Those that hold certain codes within their DNA are called to travel to certain places to open up & remember their true calling & gifts and be a pillar and transmitter of eternal living light at certain Stargate locations …

Ancient sacred sites were created with divine awareness with an impeccable precision of mathematical and sacred geometrical architecture combined with a specific combination of natural elements over the earth’s most powerful leylines to create harmonic resonance with archetypal energies, natural frequencies, and creative principles of Spirit. Expressed in Nature as a living conscious energy, bridged and interacting through humanity. The Purpose of the Temples is to elevate human Consciousness to the Divine Realms and invite the Divine Power of the Neteru to inhabit the Temples and unify with Humanity.

Our journey will take us through the pyramids and temples off the Nile River to experience consciously these energies and creative principles within oneself, which the Egyptians identified as the Neteru/God/Goddess/ Cosmic Law/Universal Principles.

This journey is facilitated by Veronica Ruiz of Sacred Divine Goddess, Ahmed El Feqy, Egyptian Adept & founder of Sungate and Stargate Tours. Together setting the container with high frequencies to assist you on this journey through the mystical land of Egypt to experience her living temples and Divine Wisdom codes. I am so honored to have Ahmed’s presence on this retreat once again!

If you plan on joining us, let me know!! There is limited spacing for this intimate retreat via boat off the Nile River!

There will also be a retreat in 🏜Jordan🏜 right before Egypt. You can join on both retreats! "

2022 Upcoming Retreats

🏜 Sedona April 29- May 1

🏔 Mount Shasta Summer Solstice

🧚🏼 Iceland mid August

🌱Scotland August 20-26

🐉 Glastonbury, Stonehenge August 26-Sept 1

🧚‍♀️ Wales September 1-3

​🐪 Jordan October 6-11

​💎Egypt October 12-19

🌱 Peru December Winter Solstice

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Veronica Ruiz
Veronica Ruiz
2022년 4월 11일

So Incredible Beloved Sister! Thank you for all your support 🕊🙏🕊

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