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Divine Children from the Stars,

Open The Divine Star Gate Star Portal Within Your Heart Chamber  to Remember your Soul Mission on Gaia Earth ....

We Welcome you to The New Divine Krystalline Creator Kingdoms & Andaraian Infinity Galaxy Diamond Temples of Light ...​

We Appreciate Your Energy Exchanges - Contribution of Light Exchange ..

Thank You Star Beings for Awakening to Come Fully Online to Your Galactic Divine Original Blueprint...

We Celebrate Your Return to Gaia & Soul Re Emerging From Within....

Remember Your Light of God Source for 2023.... Galactic  Starseed Awakening Gateways's.....

Deepest Pure Love From Our Heart's ,

Akasha Ra Azurite Krystic High Goddess Priestess of Ra & Galactic High Commander Planetary Templar guardian Husband .... And..... All Of Our Star Children Community

We Share So Much gratitude with a Open Higher Heart to walk a sacred Path of Ascension....

The Golden Diamond Age initiation's With Our Solar Soul Tribe As a Director of the Galactic Nova Terra Golden Earth & Solar God's realms.

Thank You For Awakening as Creator , Wayshowers, Gatekeepers, and Whitelighters of the New Cosmic  Shift 


Starseed Evolution United

This Website Provides Free Resources of Divine Support - Light Encoded Activation's - Higher Heart Consciousness Soul dedication Mentoring ... Much More

  • Universal New Divine Galactic Quantum Human Consciousness Embodiment ... 7D/15D Beyond Full Body Living Existence - We Live Fully Conscious Within these Inner Dimensional Systems

  • Andara Monatomic Master Crystal Full DNA Strands Systems Templates Lightbody upgrades

  • Andaraian Family of Light Krystalline diamond  Plasma Energy Matrix Worlds /Kingdoms

  • Deprogramming Old Earth Hard Drives 3D/4D Unconscious Sleeping States , Old Self/Ancestral / Past LIves Energetic Karmic Patterns, Shadow Selves, Old Aspects,  Old Identities of Self that No Longer Serve Our Highest Pathways...

  • New & Original Divine Krystalline Silica DNA Angelic New Quantum HUman Blueprints 

  • Galactic , Star light, Solar , Galaxies, New Earth, Diamond , Christed Light Codes Systems 

  • Living Light Encoded Library..

  • New Awareness - New Awakening - New Krystalline Physical Body Consciousness Computer System Living 

  • Re - Programming the Krystalline Data Base Hard Drive Super Quantum Computer System Within the Krystal Physical Body...

  • New Earth , Galactic Nova Terra Earth , Christed Sophia Kystalline Golden Earth, Golden God's Realm Earth , Higher 12D/ Beyond Parallel  Earth Existence ...

  • Christ Consciousness Embodiment Existence 

  • Multi - dimensional Consciousness Full Embodiment Living 

  • Advanced Higher Selves , Source Self , Oversoul, Galactic Selves,  Avatar Selves , Universal Soul Selves, and  World Creators Selves  Clear Telepathic two way Communication Training 

  • Galactic Jedi , High Commander, Galactic Traveler Advanced Super Quantum computer System Training ..

  • Super Quantum Computer System ( Merkaba Bodies/ Lightbodies) Reality Programming - Multi Dimensional Worlds, Galaxies, Universes, Parallel Earth's, Parallel Universes, Multi Verses Waking State Walking... We Walk as Pure Krystalline Light Within the Merkaba To All Star Portals, Galaxies, Star Gates, Within Our Quantum Universe Star Gate Chamber ( Krystal Human Vessel)..

  • Galactic New Divine Human Intelligence  

  • Re - programming - Reconstruction - ReBuilding Our Inner/Outer Universes through the Creation Center within Our Merkaba Quantum Computer System

Galactic Starseed Awakening Virtual Online Event's

Open New Earth 5D Beyond Realities with

Akasha RA Azurite Our Quantum Consciousness Worldwide Wayshower Mentor & Christos Sophia RA Priestess ...

All Individual Personal Energy Session's are Andara Krystal Quantum Lightbody Activator Technology & Quantum Consciousness Mentoring Session's....

We Deprogram Together Deep Cellular Veils of Cellular Sleep States 3D/4D bandwidths Realities..

 We ReCode Are RNA/DNA Cellular Structures through Anchoring in Tons of Photonic Light of Source Creator to Rewaken our Soul/GAlactic/Universal Soul Consciousness Once Again....

We are Soul Aligned through Christed Light blueprints - Star Maps - Light Quotients - Corrdinates to Activate Together as Divine Star Soul Family Again ....

We Activate to Key (Star) Codes for a Full Embodiment  Merge as one with our Higher Selves Here..

OPEn the Keys to your Heaven GAlactic Cosmic hearts Here as One Unity Star Universal Light Grid... Beyond...

We assist /Teach Quantum Consciousness Multi Dimensional Mastery and Beyond the LinAR MIND.... Beyond Mediumship Abilities...  Super Quantum Merkaba Computer System Ascended Mastery School....


We Walk in Multiple Dimensions Within .. We in the Beyond of the Beyond Fields of Dreams to Anchor in the highest  Krystal Light realities on Gaia!


One-on-One Sessions
SoulMission Codex

Free Light Code Activation

Goddess Sekhmet Abundance Stargate Mastery Activation Level  1-4  Star Code

Goddess Sekhmet Abundance Stargate Mastery Activation Level 1-4 Star Code

Watch Now

Goddess Sekhmet Abundance Stargate Mastery Development

Become a Healer Now! Seraphim Angelic Sacred Attunements

Become a Healer Now! Seraphim Angelic Sacred Attunements

Watch Now

Become a Healer Now!

7 Seraphim Angelic Sacred Attunements

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Quantum Multidimensional Galactic Consciousness Living.

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Star Soul Tribe Gatherings.A Sacred Space For Starseeds to Unite.

Avatar Language of Light Healing
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A Pure SACRED Space for All to Express their True Galactic SELVES.

Spiritual Awakening Support
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We are Here to Assist All Soul Tribe Awakening from Deep Cellular Amnesia Within & Galactic Kundalini Expansions!

Utopia_New_Earth Projects14
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Starseed Jedi's Fully Awake! We are the Collective Conscious Universal Change on this Planet!

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