Welcome, Crystalline Children of Light, to Our 5D Stargate Multidimensional Mastery School
WE have new updated curriculum and sacred offerings for December and the upcoming January 2022. Please refer to the list of events below.
December’s Star Code Zodiac Readings
December 3, 2021
Live zodiac readings on Starseed Evolution Channel on YouTube for the collectives by Akasha RA Azurite, Crystalline Star Child, Conscious Worldwide Leader, Multidimensional Psychic Medium and Mentor Worldwide
Live quantum speed activations and transmissions through quantum light technology with star language of light, through Akasha’s merkaba vehicle, super quantum computer system
Open your heart center to connect and receive
December’s readings, working through Poseidon and Neptune Stargate
Important quantum jumps’ timelines
Guidance to keep connecting to the integration this month
Galactic Spy Awakening Podcast Weekly Live Chat Session Readings
On Friday at 8:00PM EST
Live on Friday night on Starseed Evolution Channel on YouTube by Akasha RA Azurite, Crystalline Star Child, Conscious Worldwide Leader, Multidimensional Psychic Medium and Mentor Worldwide
Awakening the collectives through telepathic electronics downloads and pure RA Source consciousness
Installing all NEW crystalline templates in your quantum multidimensional conscious fields, shifting and activating your ascension body in the NOW moment
Offering ascession starseed guidance
Free readings for live audience and followers
Avatar Kundalini Awakening Workshop Retreat 12/12 Rainbow Ray Gateways
December 12, 2021 at 12:12PM EST
Seven Stargate chakra systems kundalini Merkaba vehicle upgrades, StarBody Crystalline Activator Virtual Live Retreat
Restoring Golden RA Ray DNA and all NEW kundalini awakening templates
Unlocking your Crystalline temple within StarBody
Performing 7 Andromedan energetic quantum healing treatment for our 7 primary chakra systems crystalline centers in 7 levels
Get a ticket here
God Goddess Warrior Awakening Passageways Virtual Live Retreat
December 21, 2021 at 5:55PM EST
Quantum Consciousness New Conscious Energetic Shift
Golden RA DNA 888 LightBody activator meditation
Solar Power Codes, Star Codes, Golden RA SunRay Codes, Diamond codes, God Consciousness Codes, Source Codes all NEW Krystal Sophia Codes
Co-creating together ancestral karmic wheel of time ceremonial temple healing grids
Deep cellular trauma clearing and releasing treatment
Unlocking ancestral memories to rewrite divine sovereignty, power, alchemy and revolution blueprint
Unlocking the Sacred Stargate Passageways of the Heavens of the Gods – A Sacred God Goddess WARRIOR temple journey work
Unlocking Higher States of Consciousness GodSelf Templates
Returning of the Royal God Goddess Bloodlines Blueprint
Get a ticket here
Aurora Language of Light Healers Course with Avalon Sacred Attunements
December 22, 2021
A 5-week course, USD $777, 33% off with promo code: 222
Offering multidimensional Mastery Quantum Energetic Alchemy Training, private or group sessions
Trainings on becoming a Multidimensional LightBody DNA Activator, Healer, Trainer and Motivator
Practicing hands-on healing, speaking, writing and weaving dancing
Please contact Akasha for more info through our website
Neo Intelligence – Merkaba Super Quantum Computer System Mastery Development
December 31, 2021 at 8:00PM EST
Human consciousness EXPANSION Evolution revolutionary new energy Crystalline Diamond Matrix
For Super Human Intelligence abilities and realities
Get a ticket here
Utopia New Earth Systems Virtual Live Retreat
January 7 – 14, 2022 7:00PM EST, FREE
A 7-day and 7 level crystalline quantum healing retreat with RA star code 777 fire codes with crystalline frequency
A deep cellular integration and transformation for detoxification, purification and rejuvenation healing treatment meditation and transmissions in language of light with Sacred Councils, working through the Starseed’s Temples
We’ll meet through a very high creational portal every day for 7 days
This is for the masses to open more hearts, activate and reawaken, so please invite and bring along your family, friends and acquaintances to our virtual retreat.
Get a ticket here
5D Stargate Multidimensional Mastery School Curriculum
These are for quantum acceleration development one-on-one training curriculum. Please click here for more info on all our curriculum plans.
Star Kids Ascended
January 11, 2022 (Curriculum)
Awaken new rainbow star children 5th dimension school curriculum
Starts January 11, 2022, a 3-month program at the Crystal Kingdom Mystery School
Only 11 spots open, please sign up for the new enrollment for your Crystalline and Rainbow Star Children
We’ll meet thrice (3x) per month for Multidimensional Mastery sessions
We’ll have one conscious shift parenting private session monthly
Your crystal child(ren) will get healing treatments and attunements, different kind of trainings and development
Starseed Mastery Plan
Returning to your divine golden crystalline star born blueprint
This is our best value plan with a lot of activations package sets, guidance and trainings and new (old) Andarra family coming back to you in your mail box
We’ll meet weekly for six weeks
Starseed Jedi Master Plan
Awakening your starseed Jedi Guardian roles
We’ll meet twice a month for quantum life coaching sessions
You’ll get activation package sets, treatments for cleansing and removal, mastery star code psychic development training, mastery shamanism, commander level up training and free admission to all workshops and events during the month(s) we work together
Unlock Divine Wealth StarCODE Activation
This is an advanced quantum multidimensional energetic merkaba vehicle teaching, creatix guidance for an instant manifestation
You’ll get package sets for your development, guidance, more activations
We’ll restore, rewrite and rewire at 360 degrees shift to higher money frequency timelines, with Golden Age Wealth Revolution
We’ll activate Star Codes to clear all money karma, cleanse all ego lower human self and negative thoughts, purify energetic money vibrations, deprogram all lack, survival, loss, greed, envy, karmic soul contracts to return to PURE creation LOVE frequencies for full New Earth Service to the ALL
We’ll also cleanse and purify ancestral wealth, money and royal bloodlines to restore to the new 12D crystalline creatix templates
And more…
Crystalline Starbody Plan
Activating your Crystalline Kundalini Awakening package
We’ll meet twice (2x) per month for Stargate quantum life coaching sessions
You’ll get activation package sets, treatments for cleansing and removal, and free admission to all workshops and events during the month(s) we work together
Twin RAY Phoenix Plan
This is for Twin Flame Soul Union and Divine Sacred Partner Package Plan
We’ll meet twice (2x) per month for Stargate sacred union coaching sessions
You’ll get activation package sets, treatments for cleansing and removal, and free admission to all workshops and events during the month(s) we work together
New Lemurian Plan
Restoring Lemuria Crystalline Diamond Angelic Human blueprint
We’ll meet thrice (3x) per month for multidimensional mentoring sessions
You’ll get 10 hours workshop’s recordings, activation package sets, and free admission to all workshops and events during the month(s) we work together
Starseed Awakening Plan
Rewriting and returning to your Starseed Crystalline blueprint
We’ll meet once a week for multidimensional sessions
You’ll get activation package sets, treatments for cleansing and clearing and removal session
You’ll get to reconnect to your Higher Self and Galactic family
Atlantis Healers Path
Remembering our divine priestess/priest sacred gateways again
We’ll meet thrice (3x) per month for multidimensional MASTERY mentoring sessions
Aurora Sacred language of Light Healers Course training
Master Star Code Psychic Development training
High Alchemy star code ceremony training
Star code mastery Shamanism training
Plus, more trainings and teaching in this plan
You’ll get 11 hours workshop’s recordings, activation package set, and free admission to all workshops and events during the month(s) we work together
Please note that the curriculum listed this month may change if you come back here a few months or years later since we flow quantumly. :)